
Hi,hello. I am Katsuhito Matino. I am tired because I study five subjects.
Today, I tell you interesting sayings.
・Out of the frying pan into the fire. 一難去ってまた一難 (フライパンは脱出したが、火の中へ)
・Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. 河豚(ふぐ)は食いたし命は惜しし (蜂蜜は甘いが、蜂は刺す)
・The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 論より証拠 (プリンの味は食べてみなければわからない)
・To cast water into the Thames. 焼け石に水 (テムズ川に水を投げ入れるようなもの)
・Pudding rather than praise. 花より団子 (賛辞よりプリン)
・A fool at forty is a fool indeed. 40歳のばかは本物のばか
